Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
You have a Collect call from " William" Do you accept these charges? " Yes". " Hey baby girl hows my big girl?" With so much excitement in his voice." HEY DADDY! GRANDMA IT'S DADDY ON THE PHONE!" Shouting to the top of her lungs excited to hear his voice. " Daddy how come you didn't call me last week? I waited by the phone like you told me to." " I know Slim daddy had goy in some trouble so I couldn't call you baby." Sounding so sad that he had hurt his first born feelings. " I promise when daddy gets home Ima make it up to you ok?" " You promise?" " Yes Slim I promise" " Daddy? When are you coming home?" Will knew that question was coming. She had been asking that question for 5 yrs now and he gives the same answer" Soon baby real soon." Slim knew that wasn't true but it's all she had to hold on to. "You know Mommy comin to get me next month Im suppose to be moving with her. I dont want to, because then Ima miss all your calls daddy.I also know mommy needs me too. I really can't wait till you come home." Will wanted to cry but knew he couldn't show that kind of emotion where he was at. It killed hom to know he couldn't do nothing and he couldn't be with his daughter. He had been locked up since she was 7yrs old. Their relationship had been mostly based on the telephone or through letters. A father and daughter relationship that he wished he would have done better than what he was doing. Visits were the most painful. It felt so good to his heart to see his family but hurt worse when they left." Daddy you know my Birthday coming up? What you gonna do for my birthday?" Slim knew he couldn't do much but she loved when he would send her a whole bunch of pictures he would draw and always loved to get new pictures of him." I knoooow huh? I dont yet Slim but Im sure I will think of something" "You have 10min left on this call" Reality struck both of them. They always forgot about their situation until the operator comes on to remind them. " Hurry up and go get Momma so I can say hi before the call hangs up" " I already did daddy you should know better by now" They both laughed and Slim passed her grandmother the phone." Heeey Will hwo are you holding up? Are praying everyday like I tell you to?" " Yes Momma. Momma its not much time I just wanna say I Lo" The phone hung up. Mary dropped and shook her head and hung the phone up.Tears dropped slowly as she looked up asking God to protect her son. " Grandma you ok?........ ;)
Friday, September 28, 2012
It was the Warden and Hewitt. Apparently Hewitt had something up her sleeve. Jackson knew it has all to do with him because the way Hewitt stared at him with a glimpse of a smile on her face. Everyone stood at attention and greeted the Warden. Warden Hewitt. A coincidence? That’s the game that was being played. It was the talk of the academy. Was Hewitt related to the Warden. It was often denied it was just certain things like this that had people thinking otherwise. “Mr. Jackson, may we see you in the hall please?” “Yes sir.” Jackson walked out into the hallway and stood at attention looking straight forward. Warden Hewitt walked in front of Jackson and asked “What seems to be the problem?” “Sir?” “It’s been reported that you are not cooperating with your fellow colleagues in the matter that you both are leaders of this class.” “ Sir” “ I’m not done speaking and I don’t remember giving you the authority to speak Jackson !” Warden Hewitt slightly raised his voice. The students were listening to Jackson getting chewed out by the Warden. Sanders looked around at the class and stood up. “How yall going to treat Jackson like this? He never put pressure on us; he always helps when someone needs help studying or hell even an answer on a test! You honestly think Jackson had something to do with that girl getting fired? Honestly a man that helps us? “That’s crazy “Jackson walked back in the class and sat down. Sanders walked over and whispered “I know you didn’t do it its just not you.” Jackson looked at Sanders with an appreciative look and just opened his book to the chapter he was on. He started thinking what he has gotten himself into. All he wanted to was just complete the academy and leave with a rank under his belt instead he got ridiculous pressure from a girl that he cant understand why she is attacking him so much on top of a class of idiots that cant tell when their getting played.
Time went on and Jackson stayed quiet more than usual stay below radar. He didn’t give up his position he just made sure he stayed in the instructors eyesight so if anything went down instructors could account for his absence in the matter. It did raise eyebrows with the other students on why he hung out with the instructors so much, but it kept the big people off his back and Hewitt had no choice but to sit still herself. 3 weeks until graduation and taking the state test. It was getting hectic. Tests were coming back to back 2 tests a week now and Jackson was on pure overload. It was time to take the DT test and everyone knew Hewitt had that test on lock. She was screwing the instructor on the regular so she had the answers to the written part of the test and on top of that the class knew he was going to pass her on the practical. The instructor didn’t want that kind of trouble if she would have told. He was too scared to call her bluff. Besides he was screwing so many girls in the academy he didn’t know how the outcome would turn out for him. As they were taking the test Hewitt kept her eye on Jackson . After completing Hewitt went to the instructor telling him that she saw Jackson cheating. Jackson had gotten wind of the news before he could confront Hewitt he was called to the office. They asked him to retake the test but whole new different test. They told him he had to take it after closing flag. Jackson wanted to scream. He went and took the test passed with 98% higher than his first test. So the instructors asked “What is going on between you and Hewitt? Why is there so much beef between you two?” Jackson answered “I don’t know, but its really wearing thin on my nerves. Why haven’t you guys started to look more at her? Why do you constantly keep listening to what she says? Have ever thought that maybe the reason she keeps you guts so distracted on everyone else but her?” Jackson got up grabbed his bags and stormed out. Hewitt was downstairs waiting on him.” So how did you do on the test?” She said with a wicked look on her face. “I passed BITCH!” Hewitt looked as he walked off” I’m going to write you up!” “Good when you’re done stick it up your ass hoe!” Jackson reached his point but continued to walk away. He knew the next step was to put his hands on her. That’s not something he does but she was an exception to the rule. 4 months of being harassed on top of academy mess. He was shocked he lasted this long. She was lucky all she got was words.
Monday, September 24, 2012
He saw his desk was moved way to the back of the class. No one showed any kind of emotion. When he asked who did it no answer. Jackson took in a deep breath walked to the back of the class and sat down. He was done. He knew that this was going to be war. He also knew if he wanted to keep his job he had to endure everything that was coming to him. The hard part was taking it and knowing that it wasn’t deserved. It’s like when you were a kid and told your parents it wasn’t you and you still got an ass whooping.
The next instructor came in the class. Everyone stood to attention and greeted the instructor in unison and synchrony. “GOOD AFTERNOON SIR!” The instructor signaled for the class to have a seat. He looked around and noticed Jackson sitting to the back of the class apart from the others. “Jackson , what are you doing way back there? Why aren’t you sitting in your assigned seat to the front of the class?” “Sir Permission to speak sir.” “Granted.” “Sir my seat was here when I walked in sir” “Well who did it son?” “Sir I have no idea sir.” “Well ok, class who moved Mr. Jackson seat to the back?” No one answered. Eyes were looking straight forward with straight faces. “Ok no one is going to talk, to the pad give me 50 diamond push ups, and if I don’t have an answer by then; then you will do push ups until flag.” Still no one opened their mouths, but you seen facial expressions disgruntlement and jaws clinched. “LET’S GO DC 180 MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! FALL OUT CAPTAIN CALL IT OUT! DESRESPECT YOUR LEADER! CHAIN OF COMMAND! MOVE!” Espinosa called out the cadence. “ READY! FORWARD POSITION MOVE! 1,2,3 1! 1,2,3, 2! 1,2,3, 3!” The class fell into position counting along with Espinosa. “ NOW FROM MY UNDERSTANDING THIS CLASS HAS AN ISSUE WITH AUTHORITY. SO IT’S MY JOB TO MAKE SURE THAT THIS PROBLEM IS SOLVED. SO ANYBODY WANT TO SPEAK UP?” The instructor yelled at the class and asked for answer as they kept doing their push ups. Still no one would talk. They stuck between a rock and hard place. If anyone spoke up then they would be the next target and labeled as the snitch. If they didn’t speak up then they were stuck on the pad. This was another mind game, a way to condition the brain. To build unity in a crazy kind of way. It sent a message to the ones who grasped the concept that you’re not going to like who you work with on the pound but that person is all you have to keep you alive on the pound so suck it up and deal with it when you leave out the gates. The focus is to stay alive. If you distracted with petty irrelevant problems that has nothing to do with care, custody and control of inmates then you are either the one to be killed by the “system” or be apart of the “system”. Of course in a class of 32 only 9 understood the lesson. Jackson kept his mouth shut. The only thing on his mind was he was doing it for his family. He was pissed anyway so this helped to release the stress. It worked out in his favor little did the class know. No one cracked. After flag the class was dismissed to go home and to report early for 5am run.
Hewitt stood looking sour in the face.
Kayla went to join Jackson in the living room she didn’t care for sports but this was something he needed to get his mind off things for awhile. They sat and watched replays. Kayla had fallen asleep. Jackson rubbed her head while she slept and stared at the ceiling tears running down his face silently crying. Trying to figure out how? What? Just questions flooding his brain hoping he could at least get one answer. The buzzer went off for the dryer and Kayla got up to get the clothes out. He told her “Baby don’t worry about the clothes its ok I’ll get them in the morning.” “No bae I need to iron your uniforms so you don’t have to rush in the morning. It won’t take long I promise. Then you can have me all to yourself all night.” She said with a smile giving him a kiss.
Class started and he noticed that Hewitt wasn’t in class and Douglas either. He was suspicious but didn’t stress. He felt like if Hewitt was gone then today was going to be a good day and God had come through. There was a knock on the door and to his surprise it was …….;)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Kayla ended up staying the night. They woke up at 3 so Jackson could put gas in the car and then Kayla dropped him off to the college field so he could do drills with Lt. She felt a little sad that she had to drop him off, but she knew she would see him later. One thing she knew about J he won’t let a day go by without seeing her or the baby. She loved that about him. Kayla started thinking what is it she could do for him to lift up his spirits and take some of the stress off. She knew his temper. It’s like a hurricane. Starts off real calm and quiet; then the wind and and light rain,then whoosh its going down thunder lightining ,flood, just a natural serius disaster. The thing is with J when he reaches his max of anger there is no way to calm him down. The damage he knowingly does, he makes sure it’s permanent. The point of NO return. She knew that this chick Hewitt was definitely going to press the right button. So this is a perfect time to get his mind off of the academy so he could continue and pass. This job was important to their livelyhood and being the woman that she is she can’t allow anything to come and destroy that.
It was lunch and the class had been dismissed for break. Jackson made his way to the lake it was one of his places he went to talk to God and get some mental strength to keep him going.” God I just ask you to rebuild my strength.To keep my mind and my temper.To help me make it through this academy with your grace upon me Lord. Could you please send your angels to protect me from this one demon. Forgive me of my ill thoughts towards her but she is carrying multiple demons and for some reason they love to guide her to me. I pray for her as well Lord as crazy as that sounds. Please Lord just give me strength. Amen. Jackson just stood quiet and watched the fish as he fed them he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to only see Hewitt. He looked up to the sky with the (are you serious face) dropped his head took a deep breath. Hewitt: “ I see your girl dropped you off today.” “ Yea she did why is that so much of your concern? Hewitt Im so not in the mood for Carol City High today, what is it that you want?” “ I was just making small talk gosh don’t be so uptight.” She said in a sarcastic tone. “ Hewitt what He…Man what do you want girl.” “ First of all I am not a little girl and secondly I came to let you know that Johnson went off campus to go to McDonalds I was just letting you know so we can go up and report this situation to Hamilton. The last time you act like you didn’t know what was going on so I was just making you aware.” “ You saw them leave I didn’t see anything so if you want to go and report them do your thing. Do you understand that your against the very same people you will need at the end? I mean are you that blind and naive to think that Hamilton is on our side.Wake up it’s all a mind game. It’s just like if you were on the pound the same people you go to report are the same people that have to come to your rescue if an inmate desides to jump on you. Keep burning bridges no one will respond you will end up a rape victim or worse. Im just sayin no one deserves that not even my worst enemies.” “ Boy whateva, you comin or not?” Jackson just shook his head and walked away. He knew there was no getting through to her she just had to learn the hard way. The sad part the hard way could be death. After lunch everyone returnes to class ,but he noticed Johnson wasn’t in class and her bags were gone. He looked at Hewitt and she sat there with a sinister look on her face with satisfaction. Everyone didn’t notice at first until Chance said something.” Ay where’s Johnson? She know better than to be late I don’t feel like going to the pad today, where she at?” Hewitt jumped up and announced that she was terminated for leaving campus.Chance: Well who told?” Hewitt looked dead at Jackson insinuating him to be the snitch. Jacksons heart started to pound so hard his grip had gotten so tight on his desk. It was the fact that he was a man he couldn’t whoop that ass. Jackson: “ Don’t play with b…girl you know I was at my spot at lunch I didn’t go up stairs at all today. Why are you trying to start trouble over here? Whatchu want from?” “ You know you told Hamilton that Johnson left off campus.” Chance:”Damn dog how you playin? That woman had 4 kids !” “ Im telling yall I didn’t say anything. Ok since yall are so convinced there is no point for me to say anything else. Believe what you want time will tell. Just know yall on the wrong side.” Hewitt: “Well I don’t get into people business I be with my man on lunch break I don’t even be around yall like that to know whats going on.” Hewitt had someone else to do her dirty work Jackson knew that he just couldn’t figure out who. She was telling the truth about not being around,but how the hell she knew everything that went on when she was leaving campus her self. Everyone knew she was sleeping with the DT instructor Williams. Williams had been a DT instructor for years and he always screwed the girls in the academy classes the girls would be down thinkin they would pass. Sometimes they would others he would still fail. People just figured her head game wasn’t enough to pass the class. Girls just dropped out like flies. Everyone always said he was going to screw the wrong girl one day. Hewitt: “ Well I don’t know what to either ther are only two people to report to Hamilton I wasn’t around so who else could it be?” Jackson just sat there calming his temper. He just thought about how disppointed Kayla would be if he had gotten terminated then he thought about his baby. He closed his eyes and just said a prayer silently in his head for God to keep giving him strength.He heard the the chatter and snide remarks beingf said towrds him.” Snitch, bitch, creep ass ni**a” Words that were serious fighting words enough to make him jump but he just kept praying. He got up and went to the bathroom. Tears falling down his face. Not because of the name calling and the petty situation at hand it was because he was already getting into a field that he didn’t want to be in . but this was the only thing that would help him and his family to get a boost real quick until he could figurre out something else. He just didn’t like how unncessary pressure was beingg geard towards him. A class of 30 plus people and he had to be the target. He slashed some water on his face took 10 min regrouped and made his way back to class. Hamilton had seen him and stopped him to speak with with him.” Are you ok son?” “Yes sir never better sir.” “ I wanted to let you know that I know. We always know, dig deep down and find that inner strength keep going. It’s going to get harder just get your mind prepared for the bullshit son there’s a lot of it especially when you leave here and go back to the pound it’s even worse. Don’t let her get to you. We cant stand her ass either. The academy is nothing but the pound in a compact environment. You cant trust nobody there is always a snitch. Just keep pushing son you got it.” “ Yes sir” Jackson walked away feeling a little better but knew that moment wasn’t going to last long once he walked back in the classroom. When he walked back in to take his seat he saw that………;)
Friday, September 21, 2012
- Academy
first shift. The best shift to ever work on. Inmates sleep, Cap sleep, Sgt. sleep, everyone. At least that's how it seems to a person who doesn't know how a prison is ran. You think no one is paying attention, but eyes are on you the moment you step out your car in the parking lot. Inmates watching through their hole of a window, colleagues watching what you drive,who dropped you off. Hel...
l they so nosey they pay attention to what you eat for lunch. Jackson a quiet observant individual but still so green to this world. Prison is a world within itself and if your not careful you can be sucked up in it end up being apart of it. Jackson was from the hood but never was involved in hood activities. Almost all his uncles served Fed time. His thing was they already served the time so he didn't have to.
He noticed the process of becoming a C/O was basically stripping you of who you thought you were to become something that your momma taught you not to be(snitch). The first week of academy the instucters pick out 3 leaders to "keep control of the class" (snitch) 2 platoon leaders and 1 captain. Jackson was in a class of 32, after some had dropped out or failed within the first week he bacame platoon. not something he cared for, but he thought it would make his resume look good.(little did he know). instructor Hamilton thought he would make a good snitch I mean platoon. Hamilton:" I like how you conduct business and how you handle your classmates you really don't take any mess from them. That's what we like in DOC people that can hold their own. Son how would you like to be 2nd platoon?" Knowing that if takes the position there was going to be conflict in the class towards him." I would be honored to take the position sir." Jackson was thinking about himself and what he was trying to accomplish he didn't like majority of the class anyway. The girls were loud and stupid when they talked the other guys were either undercover racist or lost in life and needed a badge to give them some selfesteem. He knew that he was just trying to make a living and this job wasn't forever. Hamilton: "Good son Im glad, now we have briefings every morning before flag. You are to report to my office and give me an update on what's going on in the class.Who has a phone, who was late, who is not eating the right food, anything worth me knowing. It's your job and mine to keep order son, you understand right?" Jackson stomach was turning on the inside, it wasnt sitting right with him. The same people he has to go through the struggle with, study, get sprayed, coach and motivate are the same people he had to tell on that could ultimately make them lose thier job. Even though he didn't like the people he knew they had bills and kids. His momma always said never take food out of a childs mouth. the person and thier personality had nothing to do with the mouths they had to feed." Yes sir"" your dismissed." Jackson wasnt with it. He agreed but knew he wasn't reporting nothing. He was leaving that to the real snitch of the class Hewitt. She woulde sell her soul if that meant she would pass the academy. Hewitt: " Hey I heard the good news!" Jackson: " Damn that quick I just came from upstairs, I didn't even tell anyone." Jackson took note. He knew he couldn't trust her shiesty ass. Hewitt: " So I guess we gotta stick together, you know how the class is.""No, they are like that cuz you play dirty. You lead how you want to.""So you sayin your not going to be a team player?"" See. that mess right there, Im gone. I dont have anything to say. See you tomorrow."
It was 5am and Jackson made it to Hamiltons office to report for duty Hewitt was right behind him walking in. Hamilton: "So wahts new anything that shoud be brought to my attention?" Hewitt:" Yes sir, Reeves was on her phone texting during break in the classroom." Now Jackson seen it but he also knew she was texting her grandmother to pick up her kids from daycare. He had already spoken to her. There was no need to report that she was dealing with something important." Hamiltom: "Is this true Jackson?" "Sir I was on my break studying by the lake, I wasn't around to witness."" Son you have to keep your eyes open you can't let things like that slip past you. your both dismissed"
Hewitt: "you know good and well you saw her, I saw you talking to her about it. if you dont start backing me up you gonna have some problems on your hand."Jackson: " look I aint got time for these high school games and if you think you going to mess with my money....just think before you act." Hewitt: " what? you gonna hit me?" "you would want that, how many dudes you done had locked up based on your lies? Girl just go. Im done talking. Make your move is all I will say." Jackson walked away shaking his "dumb trick, cant stand these hoes out here shit! He said under his breath. Jackson caught the bus home. Starting from scratch was hard. It was hard to even sit back and figure out what his dream was or what he really wanted to do in life. He knew this wasn't it, but he had a baby on the way and time wasn't on his side. What he did know was that him and his family that he had built wasn't going to be without. He just wishe he did't have to be top flight to make sure of that. Bills were comin in non stop, Kayla his girl needed, the baby needed, his momma needed. At the age of 27 he had to walk in some big shoes.Jackson: "Baby come through I need yall right now, its just been a long day. They whooped my ass today."" Ok baby let me get dressed and ask my momma for the car, Im comin. You hungry I cooked."" What did you burn up today girl?" " Boy! dont play with me. You know you like my cookin, I made some fried fish, mac n cheese, salad, and cornbread."" Stop talkin like you made that from scratch you know that aint nuttin but Jiffy and Kraft yo momma probably fried the fish." Laughing knowing it got on her nerves, but he loved that he could play with her like that. "yea baby bring me a plate Ima take a shower Im waiting. Is there gas in the car?" " only a half a tank"" Ok, well dont stop I'll go with you when you get here, hurry up." " If you get off the phoneI can speed up the process." kayla smiled while hangin up the phone. She was proud of him. She worked part time at a daycare. It wasn't much but her and Jackson had been saving together for a car. she got cleaned put on his favorite perfume packed his dinner and headed out the door. driving to his house 99jamz was playing cater to you . That song came on time. Even before the pregnancy she always loved doing things for him. She always knew he was under so much stress. Her grandma taught her that a man hears no all day long so its your job as a woman to say yes all night long and anytime he is in your grace. She didn't let him run over her she said a man doesnt need a weak woman but dont wanna fight with you after fighting the world.
Kayla made sure she took care of all his needs. Her being pregnant kind of slowed down the intimacy of things ,but she has her ways around it. grandma also said what you wont do the next one will be more than willing to do so.
She pulled up and Jackson was waiting outside for her. He embraced her and kissed her stomach and helped her inside. Some may say Jackson is a softy but he didn't care. He always seen guys leave their baby mommas hangin, but he thought it was even more attractive and sexy that his woman was carrying his seed and why wouldn't he own a woman that is willing to put her life on the line to carry his child.
They went to the den and kayla started to set up his tray so he could eat she put ESPN and BRAVO. So they could switch channels during commercial breaks and watch hightlights and she could watch Housewive set up she asked him about his day."So tell me what went on today? why are you so stressed more than usual?" " First I had to get up at 4 this morning to make the bus.Once I got there I to go to the field for am drills in the wet grass. The man had us doing crab crawls from one end to the field to the next. No hot water in the showers. Then the had to report to Hamilton and SB was on her job telling on everybody." "SB?" " Yea Stupid Bitch, keep up baby dang." laughing together" Boy stop you know thats wrong. whats her name Hewitt right?" "same thing baby. Im just saying she went out her way I never seen anything like it!' " But bae, maybe she just miserable or other things are going on."" leave it up to you to try and find reasoning, the girl is just plain evil and stupid at the same damn time.Anyway after that we studied and listened to Fleetwood teach Legal 1. you know the guyoff the Clear eye commercial?he sound. We was bored out our mind. I just wanted to come home."" Well Im glad your home, its almost over you have 2 more months to go and its all over bae." jackson held her and gave her one of those juicy kisses and continued eating. " yo momma put her foot in this bae, when you gonna learn how to cook like this?" " You know what J Im so tired of you" laughing and pushing him back into the couch. " Come here I didnt mean it you know I love your cooking girl, come here lay back on me lets watch some TV let me see how my BOY is doing." " its a GIRl" ' whateva I make BOYS and we gonna leave it at that." She smiled " Ok boo if that makes you feel better I'll let you have that one for now though." passionately kissing eachother, bodies started to get warm,grips got tighter and parts got wet.
He noticed the process of becoming a C/O was basically stripping you of who you thought you were to become something that your momma taught you not to be(snitch). The first week of academy the instucters pick out 3 leaders to "keep control of the class" (snitch) 2 platoon leaders and 1 captain. Jackson was in a class of 32, after some had dropped out or failed within the first week he bacame platoon. not something he cared for, but he thought it would make his resume look good.(little did he know). instructor Hamilton thought he would make a good snitch I mean platoon. Hamilton:" I like how you conduct business and how you handle your classmates you really don't take any mess from them. That's what we like in DOC people that can hold their own. Son how would you like to be 2nd platoon?" Knowing that if takes the position there was going to be conflict in the class towards him." I would be honored to take the position sir." Jackson was thinking about himself and what he was trying to accomplish he didn't like majority of the class anyway. The girls were loud and stupid when they talked the other guys were either undercover racist or lost in life and needed a badge to give them some selfesteem. He knew that he was just trying to make a living and this job wasn't forever. Hamilton: "Good son Im glad, now we have briefings every morning before flag. You are to report to my office and give me an update on what's going on in the class.Who has a phone, who was late, who is not eating the right food, anything worth me knowing. It's your job and mine to keep order son, you understand right?" Jackson stomach was turning on the inside, it wasnt sitting right with him. The same people he has to go through the struggle with, study, get sprayed, coach and motivate are the same people he had to tell on that could ultimately make them lose thier job. Even though he didn't like the people he knew they had bills and kids. His momma always said never take food out of a childs mouth. the person and thier personality had nothing to do with the mouths they had to feed." Yes sir"" your dismissed." Jackson wasnt with it. He agreed but knew he wasn't reporting nothing. He was leaving that to the real snitch of the class Hewitt. She woulde sell her soul if that meant she would pass the academy. Hewitt: " Hey I heard the good news!" Jackson: " Damn that quick I just came from upstairs, I didn't even tell anyone." Jackson took note. He knew he couldn't trust her shiesty ass. Hewitt: " So I guess we gotta stick together, you know how the class is.""No, they are like that cuz you play dirty. You lead how you want to.""So you sayin your not going to be a team player?"" See. that mess right there, Im gone. I dont have anything to say. See you tomorrow."
It was 5am and Jackson made it to Hamiltons office to report for duty Hewitt was right behind him walking in. Hamilton: "So wahts new anything that shoud be brought to my attention?" Hewitt:" Yes sir, Reeves was on her phone texting during break in the classroom." Now Jackson seen it but he also knew she was texting her grandmother to pick up her kids from daycare. He had already spoken to her. There was no need to report that she was dealing with something important." Hamiltom: "Is this true Jackson?" "Sir I was on my break studying by the lake, I wasn't around to witness."" Son you have to keep your eyes open you can't let things like that slip past you. your both dismissed"
Hewitt: "you know good and well you saw her, I saw you talking to her about it. if you dont start backing me up you gonna have some problems on your hand."Jackson: " look I aint got time for these high school games and if you think you going to mess with my money....just think before you act." Hewitt: " what? you gonna hit me?" "you would want that, how many dudes you done had locked up based on your lies? Girl just go. Im done talking. Make your move is all I will say." Jackson walked away shaking his "dumb trick, cant stand these hoes out here shit! He said under his breath. Jackson caught the bus home. Starting from scratch was hard. It was hard to even sit back and figure out what his dream was or what he really wanted to do in life. He knew this wasn't it, but he had a baby on the way and time wasn't on his side. What he did know was that him and his family that he had built wasn't going to be without. He just wishe he did't have to be top flight to make sure of that. Bills were comin in non stop, Kayla his girl needed, the baby needed, his momma needed. At the age of 27 he had to walk in some big shoes.Jackson: "Baby come through I need yall right now, its just been a long day. They whooped my ass today."" Ok baby let me get dressed and ask my momma for the car, Im comin. You hungry I cooked."" What did you burn up today girl?" " Boy! dont play with me. You know you like my cookin, I made some fried fish, mac n cheese, salad, and cornbread."" Stop talkin like you made that from scratch you know that aint nuttin but Jiffy and Kraft yo momma probably fried the fish." Laughing knowing it got on her nerves, but he loved that he could play with her like that. "yea baby bring me a plate Ima take a shower Im waiting. Is there gas in the car?" " only a half a tank"" Ok, well dont stop I'll go with you when you get here, hurry up." " If you get off the phoneI can speed up the process." kayla smiled while hangin up the phone. She was proud of him. She worked part time at a daycare. It wasn't much but her and Jackson had been saving together for a car. she got cleaned put on his favorite perfume packed his dinner and headed out the door. driving to his house 99jamz was playing cater to you . That song came on time. Even before the pregnancy she always loved doing things for him. She always knew he was under so much stress. Her grandma taught her that a man hears no all day long so its your job as a woman to say yes all night long and anytime he is in your grace. She didn't let him run over her she said a man doesnt need a weak woman but dont wanna fight with you after fighting the world.
Kayla made sure she took care of all his needs. Her being pregnant kind of slowed down the intimacy of things ,but she has her ways around it. grandma also said what you wont do the next one will be more than willing to do so.
She pulled up and Jackson was waiting outside for her. He embraced her and kissed her stomach and helped her inside. Some may say Jackson is a softy but he didn't care. He always seen guys leave their baby mommas hangin, but he thought it was even more attractive and sexy that his woman was carrying his seed and why wouldn't he own a woman that is willing to put her life on the line to carry his child.
They went to the den and kayla started to set up his tray so he could eat she put ESPN and BRAVO. So they could switch channels during commercial breaks and watch hightlights and she could watch Housewive set up she asked him about his day."So tell me what went on today? why are you so stressed more than usual?" " First I had to get up at 4 this morning to make the bus.Once I got there I to go to the field for am drills in the wet grass. The man had us doing crab crawls from one end to the field to the next. No hot water in the showers. Then the had to report to Hamilton and SB was on her job telling on everybody." "SB?" " Yea Stupid Bitch, keep up baby dang." laughing together" Boy stop you know thats wrong. whats her name Hewitt right?" "same thing baby. Im just saying she went out her way I never seen anything like it!' " But bae, maybe she just miserable or other things are going on."" leave it up to you to try and find reasoning, the girl is just plain evil and stupid at the same damn time.Anyway after that we studied and listened to Fleetwood teach Legal 1. you know the guyoff the Clear eye commercial?he sound. We was bored out our mind. I just wanted to come home."" Well Im glad your home, its almost over you have 2 more months to go and its all over bae." jackson held her and gave her one of those juicy kisses and continued eating. " yo momma put her foot in this bae, when you gonna learn how to cook like this?" " You know what J Im so tired of you" laughing and pushing him back into the couch. " Come here I didnt mean it you know I love your cooking girl, come here lay back on me lets watch some TV let me see how my BOY is doing." " its a GIRl" ' whateva I make BOYS and we gonna leave it at that." She smiled " Ok boo if that makes you feel better I'll let you have that one for now though." passionately kissing eachother, bodies started to get warm,grips got tighter and parts got wet.
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