Sunday, October 21, 2012

  1. It was September of "04" and Nina was working as an aftercare counselor at the Y. She was on the blacktop with the kids , it was free time so they were just playing running everywhere. Kendrah another counselor came with her group to join her. They sat around waiting for 6pm to clock out. Nina was 5 ft 2 slim pretty brown eyes curly hair with a mocha skin tone. Very simple or should I say traditio...
nal. she had so much on her mind and so much going on, no time to think just do. Her weeks were hectic. Mon- Sat 6am drop baby girl off to daycare(by bus mind you) make it to class that started at 8am.Get out of class go to her first job at the Y then go to her 2nd job at Subway to close by herself.get off at 12am. She had to walk home with a huge duffle bag on her shoulder that held her school books, and work uniforms. Buses stopped running and the fam well a story within itself. Baby daddy busy in the street getting high. He thought working at the carwash was a job. Her knowing it was only to support his own habbit and not his child.Sunday was church. Sleep what was that? Datng for what? There wasnt anytime for that and plus when she did date the guys were bout nothing even the ones with money. Now Kendrah smh. She was around Nina size a little thicker in the hips ,pretty eyes , hair weave on point,4 to the bottom but a pretty smile, very boisterous(loud) always had an opinion and saying what she would do and how she gonna quit,but never did a thing. Nina liked her though because kendrah always spoke her mind. They hung out whenever nina could find a minute to do so.They would go to this spot called Lipstik. It was within budget $5 at he door. So you already know this wasnt Club Play or anything on the beach.
This one night she had met this cute guy at the bar while getting her drink. He offerd to pay but Nina just looked ,paid and walked away. Kendrah:" Girl whats wrong with you, you know you needed that extra
5 in your pocket for tomorrow!" Nina: " stop actin so thirsty for it, besides if I would have excepted that drink he would feel like he owned me for the night. Im tired, I want to drink listen to my music and go home". Kendrah: well whateva Im just sayin shoot. You coulda got the damn drink for me!" They looked at eachother started laughing making their way to he dance floor. Now it had nothing to do with money for Nina. It had all to do with approach and intentions and persistence. A man knows what he wants and will do everyhting in his power to get it. She wanted something special and it wasnt in a place like that.
The next day Nina looked like a hot mess. Kendrah:" Damn girl you look ugly!" Nina: " Thanks girl I can depend on you to raise my spirits". in a sarcastic tone and stuck her tounge out. Nina: "I dont know what I was thinkin going out last night, can you please cover for me? Let me know when the super is coming, I just need an hour "Kendrah: "Fine but I want lunch tomorrow". with her lips all pursed out like she knew she was runnin the show. Rolling her eyes Nina says" Damn K! yo beggin ass, ok lunch I gotchu." Kendrah: Beggin!? You the one lookn for sleep on the Job.Bet you wish you had them extra $5 now huh?" As she laughed.Nina:K! Not now I gotchu tomorrow love you." Kendrah: yea I know see you in an hour" She walked out and Nina fell asleep on the cafeteria stage behind the curtains. Wrapped up in one of the school play costumes. She drifted off into a deep sleep. She heard footsteps and felt a gentle touch on her cheek. Then she felt soft but a nice touch of passion grace her lips. Her body was saying Damn! but her mind was saying ,wait who the hell is this!? She pushed away and couldnt believe her eyes it was .........

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