Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Now that you guys have an idea of how the prison world is. All the drama is the juicy stuff. Hope you enjoy. Welcome to South Florida Detention Center (SFDC) ;)

Ofc. Kneed had just started at SFDC a week ago. Coming from another camp she had decided to transfer because of all the mess she had gotten herself into. Working first shift 12am-8am. Kneed had 4 kids all under the age of 5.She lived in the city with her long time no good boyfriend that worked for the county. He made good money but cheated like no tomorrow. Sometimes he put his hands on her or would start a fight just to get out the house. Kneed was getting ready for work when her boyfriend,  Shawn walked through the door with straight attitude on his face. “ Whatchu doin?” “ Im getting ready for work , you know I go in tonight.” “ Who gonna  watch the kids?” “ Bae why you acting like this? You know I gotta leave in less than 30 min and I don’t have a babysitter. Didn’t you say you were going to watch them this week. Besides you were suppose to hire a babysitter for us anyway.” “I never said that, Im going out tonight so I suggest you start calling some of your home girls and make something happen.” Kneed looked at him with tears in her eyes. Trying to figure out what did she ever do to him to deserve the mess he dished out to her. She got on the phone and called her sister in law sort of speak. Her sister in law also worked with her at the same facility. Ofc. Dunkin. She didn’t like Kneed one bit,but because it was family in some strange way she looked out every now and then. Finally Kneed made it to work pulling behind Dunkin. “ Look don’t get too comfortable with this whole babysitting thing. These are your kids figure this shit out” Kneed knew she was serious but laughed it off. Walking in through the metal detector before getting searched Dunkin decided to make another comment in front of staff in the lobby. Just to be nasty. “ Who your kids going to be with tomorrow?” “ Kneed didn’t answer she just continued to grab her things so she could get posted. Dunkin smirked knowing that because she made that comment in of the girls that work in the control room that will be the topic of the night. Meaning it will be circulated through out the whole compound from dorm to dorm. The Control room was the head station where all information for the compound went through them first. Phone calls coming in and going out. They didn’t miss a beat. Always put heir own twist to things to keep the drama going. Sometimes they would call officers homes and tell their spouces that their husband or wife was cheating with another officer on the pound. Only to see a fight in the parking lot in the morning. Control room was always filled with fat, ugly, pregnant, miserable girls. Girls is the term to be used no one especially the females were women.
Kneed was posted to be on the yard security 9 Alpha she was paired with ofc. Jenkins. Ofc. Jenkins was this petite brown skinned young lady. Mostly quiet but spoke her mind if needed. Most of the girls on the pound couldn’t stand her. Mostly based on jealousy. Jenkins worked ,but the girls knew that the men on the pound had a soft spot for her. If Jenkins didn’t want to do something majority of the time she would ask her sergeant to do it or another male officer to accompany her in doing her job. Jenkins wasn’t stupid from a long shot she knew what time it was. She knew the men out there a vast majority of them were thirsty. She knew she would have to rotate them as well. Some men caught on others just didn’t care. They thought it would get them in the door to lets be honest FUCK. Jenkins knew this, but she didn’t want to work so hard and that pissed control room girls off to the fullest. Jenkins was security 9 Bravo and had to train Kneed on the yard. Jenkins wasn’t the team type. She was more, this is what you do this is what I do when we are done you go your way and I go my way. That night Kneed wasn’t having it. She stuck by Jenkins side like glue. Meanwhile Dunkin was assigned to Kilo dorm with ofc. Kelly and Sgt. Moore. Dunkin sparked up a conversation after count was cleared and the inmates were locked down for the night. Dunkin laid back in her chair “ So what yall think about Kneed?” Kelly, fat ,red bone dingy as ever. Says everything on her mind no filter. In her pitchy voice “I mean she ok to me, but I did hear from my sources she begs a lot. She don’t even have to know you but she would ask you for money and shit. So far since she been here she asked Rodgers to get her tire fixed on her car, aaand be askin 2nd shift guys for breakfast and gas money.” Sgt. Moore tall, dark skinned slick Rick gold in the front, low boy hair cut, uniform wrinkled leaning back in his chair with his feet propped on the desk with his shades on “ I think she cute, I mean the girl do have a big apple head but I would hit” “ SHUT UP MOORE!!” Kelly and Dunkin said in unison. Dunkin: “ Well I know all about her, she don’t take care of her kids. My friend was going to whoop her ass at a family get together we had, but she was scared.” Kelly: “ Damn, yall that close?” “ That’s my husbands brother girlfriend. So yeah you can say that. He doesn’t even come home. He talks about that girl so bad. Hell I can’t stand her. She always begin and shit. He doesn’t give her anything… I keep telling her she should leave but her stupid ass stays.” Moore: “Shit like that? “ “Just like that.” Jenkins and Kneed started their security checks. They decided to knock out the fence since that takes the longest. They had to walk in between the barb wire, electrical fence to set off the the motion detectors witch let the control room know if the detectors worked or not. The fence was like confession for the officers. Only because no one could here you and only you and the person you walked with knew what was being talked about. To be safe they would cut off their radios just incase the button was pushed in mid convo and then the whole compound would hear the secrets being told. Jenkins already knew Kneed had a lot on her mind. Being the most hated women on the compound from all shifts she knew the stress Kneed was going through, but Jenkins didn’t want to know nothing she didn’t want to talk. She just had a gut feeling that if she befriended this chic that somehow some way the tables were going to flip and she would be the one to get burned. Jenkins quickly started walking and turned on the music from her cell phone. It wasn’t allowed but Jenkins mostly walked the fence alone so there wasn’t anybody to snitch at this point considering the mess Kneed was going through she wasn’t worried about kneed running her mouth. Kneed tried to keep up thinking of a way to break the ice Jenkins. “ So you do this every night?” “ Yup” “ You like it?” “ yup” “ How come you don’t want to work in the dorms?” “ Look I understand you want to make small talk but honestly I don’t want to. I have enough of my own drama going on out here and at home.  I usually do this walk alone, it’s the only place on this damn compound that I don’t have to worry about getting harassed for an hour sometimes I push it for an hour and a half. Im so sure you have heard so much about me. So lets just walk and vibe to the music. You should soak up this quiet time because when you get back on the pound you know you going to face some drama for the night right?” Kneed looked at Jenkins with tears in her eyes “ OOOH NO YOU DON’T! Don’t you do it, please girl I cant not now. Why where do yall come from? Ok , Ok you want to talk lets talk but you need to pull it together you can’t let them see you break Bitch this is prison same rules apply to us just as the inmates. I’ve cried don’t get it twisted shit get crazy out here but privately ok. Ok what’s, up what’s going on? “ My man at home keep cheating on me and leaving me to things on my own, his family constantly disrespects me even Dunkin. “ DUNKIN!?” “That’s his sister in law. His brother wife. “Well shit you got it bad, that girl can’t stand you. To be honest that’s how your home life business keeps getting out” “I know, but what am I going to do about it?” “Hell I don’t know pray, that’s all you can do. Its what I do every night when I come out here.”  Radio goes off “ Control room to Ofc. Kneed. Whats your 20?” Jenkins dropped her head. “ First of all why is your radio on. Secondly you know they fuckin with you right. They know we walking the fence the detectors go off in the control room. Always cut off your radio when on the fence. It is against rules and regulations but if you want to have that quiet hour I was talking about you will cut it off. Now look.” “ CONTROL ROOM TO OFC. KNEED WHAT IS YOUR 20 MA’AM?” “ I’m walking inner perimeter with ofc. Jenkins. “  GIRL NO! Remember I said I’m inner your outer” “ WHY ARE YOU BOTH WALKING INNER?” “ I meant to say I’m outer and Ofc. Jenkins is inner” Jenkins: “ Now you know they coming out to see, RUN,” Wait why we running?” “ BITCH I GOTTA GET YOU TO CENTER GATE AND GET ROVER TO LET YOU OUT BEFORE THEY COME . RUN BITCH” Laughing and running at the same time,  ofc. Jenkins  signaled for Rover 1 with her flashlight to come to center gate. Sgt. Mullinks from control room made her way out the compound and to the parking lot to get a van so she could drive up on Kneed and Jenkins. Rover 1 pulled and Sgt. Mullinks was coming round the bend…Jenkins “Shit, Shit, Shit! Go hide in the search dug out. “ Im not going down there!” “ Bitch if you don’t get down there we both fucked and you think you have problems” Rover 1 jumped back in his vehicle and pulled off before Mullinks could pull up. Kneed moving slow motion towards the dug out……. ;)

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